Pet Nutrition
Animal parts from various disease-free stock bred and raised in New Zealand. Including Bovine (cattle), Caprine (sheep), Ovine (goats), Porcine (pigs).
Our partner abattoir is the largest multi-species plant in New Zealand.
We manufacture animal plasma and serum of other species to the customers' specification throughout the year.
Animal parts from various disease-free stock bred and raised in New Zealand. Including Bovine (cattle), Caprine (sheep), Ovine (goats), Porcine (pigs).
Our partner abattoir is the largest multi-species plant in New Zealand.
We manufacture animal plasma and serum of other species to the customers' specification throughout the year.
Animal parts from various disease-free stock bred and raised in New Zealand. Including Bovine (cattle), Caprine (sheep), Ovine (goats), Porcine (pigs).
Our partner abattoir is the largest multi-species plant in New Zealand.
We manufacture animal plasma and serum of other species to the customers' specification throughout the year.